Golf Shop 704-781-5231
Auto Attendant 704-870-4600

Tee Times

Red Bridge Tee Times

We want to provide excellent experiences. Red Bridge Golf Club has partnered with foreUP Software to provide a better experience for our players. Check out tee times online. The only place to get the best offers will be on the website. There is no fee for booking your tee time online. We look forward to having you as a guest.

Join the VIP Booking Experience! Get faster tee time payment and check-in on your round. Text ‘Book’ to (704) 870-4600 to start.

Red Bridge Tee Time Booking Assistant
Get notified when tee times are available based on your preferences.

Set your playing preferences (Future Days, Time Range, Players).

We’ll send you a notification when a tee time becomes available.

Click to book – but be sure to move fast! Times are first come first serve.

If you got the time, make sure you click the “Stop Notifications” button to pause the search.

Enjoy your round of golf at Red Bridge and hit ’em straight!

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9